Not all plants this time! The final Volume of Franz Eugen Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen or Medicinal Plants published in 1887 features red algae and fungi too. But the nature lovers that we are, we have left them in. See previous posts for Volume 1, Volume 2 and Volume 3 with associated book and source details. The age of this book is over 75 years which in Europe denotes it is the Public Domain making all images copyright free.
Some great plants this time including Pineapple and Golden Shower Tree. Next time you go shopping look out for similar designs on wrapping paper, textiles, stationary products etc, as you can be sure that many producers are harvesting free botanical artworks such as these. It is amazing that art of such quality and quanity is free to be reproduced and manipulated as desired, but it’s also great that it is used, rather than left, lying dusty in a library somewhere. There is an increasing number of en masse digitisation projects of Public Domain books and long may it continue. We strongly believe these artworks should be made available for all, depending on which country you reside, specific copyright legislation will apply. However, once artworks are online, it is only fair and reasonable that via the particular source that shared, they can be used by everyone.
The species information written under each image is as follows – first, you will see the title as it appears on the original plate, next is the currently accepted name (in italics) if available via the Catalogue of Life or Plant List, and then the common name if one is known. If you wish to double check any species name, please see method in previous post.
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Gelidium corneum Agardh.
Eucheuma spinsocum [L.] Ag.
Gracilaria lichenoides Greville
Polyporus officinalis [VIII.] Fries.
1-3. Boletus Satanas Lenz.
4-5 Baletus bulbosus Schaffer
A Amanita muscaria [L.] Pers.
B Amanita caesarea [Scop.] Pers.
A-E Amanita bulbosa Bull. F Psalliota campestris [L.] Fr.
1-3 Lactaria torminosa [Schaff.] Schroter
4-5 Lacteria deliciosa [L.] Schroter
6-8 Lactaria volema [Fr.] Schroter
1-4 Russula emetica Fr.
5-7 Russula vesca Fr.
Cibotium Barometz [L.] J. Smith, (Cibotium barometz (L.) J. Sm.), Golden chicken fern, Woolly fern,
Ananas sativus Lindl, (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.), Pineapple
1-9 Betula verrucosa Ehrh., (Betula pendula var. pendula), Silver Birch
10-12 Betula pubescens Ehrh., (Betula pubescens Ehrh.), Downy birch, White birch
Coccoloba uvifera [L.] Jacqu., (Coccoloba uvifera L.), Seagrape and Baygrape
Agrostema Githago L., (Agrostemma githago L.), common corn-cockle
Saponaria officinalis L., (Saponaria officinalis), common soapwort
Helleborus niger L., (Helleborus niger), Christmas rose or black hellebore
Helleborus viridis L., (Helleborus viridis), green hellebore or bear’s-foot
Cassia Fistula L., (Cassia fistula L.), Golden shower tree
Lupinus albus L., (Lupinus albus L.), White Lupin
Luffa aegyptiaca Mill., (Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem), Vegetable Sponge or Egyptian cucumber