David Shrigley once said the thing he least liked about his appearance was that he had become a habitual fleece wearer. We hear you Dave. Problems apart, he is a legend. A brilliant commentator on life’s absurdities, thoughts and social issues plus all sorts of other stuff too. He seems to be drawn to the …
To some of us herbaria, taxonomy, nomenclature and specimens are all rather romantic. To others they are living symbols of our colonial past and neo-colonial present. Where the role of botanical expeditions in exploiting, through acquisition and inventory, the world’s most valuable species, contributed to the monolithic global economic inequities that are impossible to shift …
Well-known to many as the female artist who painted flowers suggestive of women’s anatomy, Plant Curator recently investigated the life and art of American artist Georgia O’Keeffe (1887 – 1986). ‘The first’ biography, Portrait of an Artist, was written by Laurie Lisle in 1986. It gives a detailed account of O’Keeffe’s childhood, education and journey to becoming …
Identical twins pose in front of the sunflowers at the National – Photograph: Leon Neal/AFP/Getty Images. Two of the most famous plant paintings of all time are currently hanging next to each other in the National Gallery. Whether you are seduced by their charms or not, this reunion of two versions of one of Vincent …
The Plant is a whole magazine (currently on issue 5) celebrating artistic people’s connection to plants. If the website and accompanying visuals are anything to go by (pc yet to get a hard copy…) then it looks like being one of the few things you can find in print that doesn’t follow the standard, …
Many artist find inspiration in nature and end up representing that by painting naturalistic landscapes or individual botanical pieces. Paul Klee’s expressionistic and semi-abstract representation of a fig tree is neither, but the inventiveness and interpretation of form and colour produce something that vividly represents the wonder of plants.